
The TreeAgent class represents an agent that operates within a tree world environment. The agent can traverse the tree, track its movement, and visualize its path using a heat map.


  • algorithmCallBack: function - Callback function for the agent's algorithm.


The constructor initializes an instance of the TreeAgent class with attributes defining the tree world.

__init__(self, world, agentName:str, agentColor:str="blue", startNodeId=None, heatMapView:bool=True, heatMapColor:str="#FFA732", heatGradient:float=0.05)


The TreeAgent class provides methods to control the agent's movement within a tree world, interact with its environment, and visualize heat maps. It serves as a foundation for implementing agent-based simulations and experiments within defined tree-based environments.
  • Parameters:
    • world ( CreateTreeWorld ): The tree world object in which the agent operates.
    • agentName (str): The name of the agent.
    • agentColor (str, optional): The color of the agent. Defaults to "blue".
    • heatMapView (bool, optional): Whether to enable the heat map view. Defaults to True.
    • heatMapColor (str, optional): The color of the heat map. Defaults to "#FFA732".
    • heatGradient (float, optional): The gradient value for the heat map. Defaults to 0.05.
  • Returns: None
  • Raises: ValueError if rows or columns are out of valid range.



This method provides a string representation of the agent, calling the aboutAgent method internally.


  • None


  • str: A string containing information about the agent.


This method returns a detailed description of the agent's attributes, such as agent name, color, world name, world ID, and root node ID, formatted in a table for readability.


  • None


  • str: A string containing information about the agent, including agent name, color, world name, world ID, and root node ID.


This method provides a summary of the agent's run, including the start time, end time, and the elapsed time of the run. This information is formatted in a table for clarity.


  • None


  • str: A summary of the agent's run, including start time, end time, and elapsed time.

setAlgorithmCallBack(algorithmCallBack: function)

This method sets the callback function that will be executed by the agent. The callback function defines the algorithm the agent will follow while traversing the tree.


  • algorithmCallBack (function): The callback function to be set.


  • None


This method executes the previously set algorithm callback function. It also sets the start time before execution and the end time after execution to track the algorithm's runtime.


  • None


  • None


  • ValueError: If the algorithm callback function is not set.

getHeatMapColor(value: float)

This method returns the color corresponding to a given value on a heat map. It uses an exponential decay function to map the value to a color, which helps visualize the heat map effectively.


  • value (float): The value to map to a color on the heat map.


  • tuple: The RGB color value for the given value on the heat map.


This method checks if the specified node is a goal state.


  • node (TreeNode): The node to be checked.


  • bool: True if the node is a goal state, False otherwise.

moveAgent(node, delay: int=1)

This method moves the agent to the specified node after a given delay. It updates the heat map and the agent's current position.


  • node (TreeNode): The node to which the agent should be moved.
  • delay (int, optional): The delay (in seconds) before moving to the next node. Defaults to 1 second.


  • bool: True if the agent was successfully moved to the node, False otherwise.